Weekly Announcements
Welcome to our Weekly Announcements page! Here, you’ll find a roundup of important dates, events, and happenings that impact the Maine community. From district elections to local gatherings like the Lincoln dinner, we gather the key events that matter most to Mainers and share them in a simple, easy-to-read graphic. These announcements are sent out weekly to help keep you informed and connected with the events shaping our state.
Stay tuned, stay engaged, and never miss out on the opportunities to get involved in your community!
Pine Tree Patriots is an informal, grassroots community. The information, events, and dates listed on this page are provided as a service to our community members. While we strive to share accurate and timely information, PTP does not endorse, organize, or sponsor any of the listed events as a community. Participation in these events is voluntary, and the information shared here is intended to keep Mainers informed and engaged.
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