Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Welcome to our FAQs section! We’ve compiled answers to the most common questions we receive about Pine Tree Patriots and our grassroots community. Whether you’re new to our discussions or looking for more information, this section is here to help you understand our focus, how we engage, and how you can participate in conversations.

If you don’t see your question answered here, feel free to reach out to us directly—we’re always happy to connect and exchange ideas!

How can I join the Pine Tree Patriot Community?

Currently, the Pine Tree Patriots Community is active on X (formerly Twitter) and Facebook.

Feel free to follow and join the conversation on either platform—or both—by clicking the links below:

🔹 Join the Pine Tree Patriot Community on X

🔹 Join the Pine Tree Patriot Community on Facebook

How can I share a topic to the community?

You can share your topic by posting in our community discussions on X or Facebook:

  • On X (formerly Twitter): Post in the Pine Tree Patriots Community and tag @ptpme23 and @ptp_me
  • On Facebook: Post in the Pine Tree Patriots Community group

If you'd prefer, you can also email us at with your topic. While we can’t guarantee every submission will be featured, we always appreciate community contributions!

How can I share my blog, podcast, or video content on the community website?

If you’d like to have your content featured, please email and with the following details:

  1. Your logo (500x500 pixels)
  2. A short description of your content
  3. A link to your blog, podcast, or video channel
  4. A brief answer to: How does your content relate to Maine?

We love highlighting community-driven content, and while we can’t guarantee every submission will be published, we appreciate all contributions!

How can I submit a Call To Action (CTA) for Community Discussion?

If you’re aware of an issue that may require community attention and want to share it on our platforms, here’s how you can do so:

  1. Share it on Social Media
    1. On X (formerly Twitter): Post it in the Pine Tree Patriots Community and tag @ptpme23 and @ptp_me for visibility.
    2. On Facebook: Post it in the Pine Tree Patriots Community group for discussion.
  2. Provide Key Information
    1. A brief background summarizing the issue.
    2. A relevant timeline (e.g., any key dates when action is needed).
    3. A draft letter or message that community members can use as a reference, which they can modify or personalize as they see fit.

🔹 Note: Pine Tree Patriots facilitates community discussions but does not endorse or coordinate official advocacy efforts. Calls to action shared by members reflect their individual views and are not official PTP initiatives.

Are there any community meetings?

Pine Tree Patriots is an informal grassroots community, and our discussions primarily take place online. We regularly host informal virtual conversations through X Spaces, where members can engage in open discussions. While there are no official in-person meetings at this time, community members occasionally explore opportunities for informal gatherings.